PILBA Key Service Areas
A. Key Service Area 1: MEMBERSHIP
PILBA aspires to provide its members the following:
1. Visibility
2. Referrals
3. Credibility
4. Knowledge
5. Networking
6. Advocacy
Be a beacon for the following topics and address issues for local, regional and federal topics/issues:
1. Thriving economy
2. Equitable housing
3. Viable pay/salaries
4. Vocational training
5. Staffing
6. DEI (Diversity/ Equity/ Inclusion)
7. Business Advancement and Success
8. Support the Installation of American Flags during Various Holidays
C. Key Service Area 3: NETWORKING
“People do business with people they know” ….. networking opportunities provide for cultivating and maintaining valuable business prospects and relationships i.e.:
1. Referrals to their business associates or others;
2. Other members who may need your services;
3. Alliance opportunities;
4. and find prospective job candidates
D. Key Service Area 4: MARKETING
PILBA strives to help our local businesses grow locally, stay viable and remain competitive, especially in an environment that increasingly favors large corporations. We support the following and any effort that will promote our local businesses.
1. Encouraging Shopping our Local Businesses
i. Shop Small
ii. Shop Local
iii. Shop Indie
2. Alliance Opportunities
3. Helping to Find Prospective Job Candidates
1. Providing Networking opportunities
2. Providing Educational Opportunities
3. Providing Community Fundraising opportunities
F. Key Service Area 6: ARTS & PHILANTHROPHY
PILBA gives back to its community through the support of local charitable efforts. This gives our members an opportunity to volunteer and/or make a donation. Our members can lend support to the effort by managing some aspect of the program, encouraging their team members to get involved or providing financial assistance.